All parish family members are encouraged to serve by assisting the Rector during all Masses and services, which includes lighting candles, carrying crosses and torches, etc. Children can begin this ministry at the age when he or she feels they can accept this great responsibility. Special training is administered each acolyte prior to their beginning service.
This is open to any member of the parish. Their duties include welcoming members and visitors on their arrival for the Mass, handing out the Sunday bulletin, taking up the offering; presenting the elements and the offerings received to the Glory of God at His altar.
Eucharist Ministers/Eucharistic Visitors:
This is open to any member of the parish. Special training is provided by the Rector prior to beginning this ministry of assisting the Rector at the altar during the Mass. LEM's also can provide Eucharist to shut-ins, those in nursing homes and others when the Rector is absent. Eucharistic Ministers and Visitors are licensed by the Diocese at the request of the Rector.
This is open to all parish members. The readers proclaim the sacred Scriptures during the Mass and lead the Prayers of the People.
Altar Guild:
This is open to men, women and young adults. The members serve in the preparation of the sanctuary for all Church Masses and services.